An amazing practice, defined by amazing doctors
We have some wonderful clinicians who share a common philosophy of ensuring each and every child they see feels special, and is treated like family. Every clinician consulting at Tooth Town, as well as all our staff contribute something special to our practice. We know you expect professionalism, empathy, and kindness, and that’s what we strive for, as well as the ability to really listen to your concerns. Our friendly team are happy to assist you before, during and after your visit to Tooth Town.
Having continuity of care with one dedicated dentist is very important to help your child build confidence in a dental home, and we do our best to ensure you get to see your dentist when you need. However, for acute conditions if your usual clinician is not available, all dentists who consult at Tooth Town can provide top quality care to you and your family, and will fit in urgent or serious problems when needed.
Dr Jacqui Fechney
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Paediatric Dentistry, University of Sydney
Dr Steve Kazoullis
Dr Helen Fung
- BDS, DClinDent (Paed Dent)
- MRACDS (Paed Dent)
- Fellow of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
Dr Cindy Lin
Dr Emily Ng
Charlotte Watkinson
- Bachelor of Oral Health
Our specialists are available via referral only. Our other clinicians have been hand picked because they, too, share very similar philosophies and approaches to prevention and treatment. We all share a very high interest in not only the teeth, but also the general health and wellbeing of each child. All our clinicians are passionate about focusing on early intervention, and collaborate very closely with each other and other specialties to get the best outcome for all our patients.